
Learn how to change the text size, alignment, and font-weight.


We use the Roboto font family by Google. Add this line to the <head> of your widgets to use this font:

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,400i,700,700i" rel="stylesheet">

Font Size

The base font size is 16px. It's applied by default.

Note, that if an element doesn't have a class it inherits all font properties from its parent. This means that you can add a class once, and it will be applied to all child elements (if they don't have a class that overrides the parent class).

Use these classes to change the font size:

CSS Class Font Size / Line Height
.text-sm 12px / 16px
.text-md 14px / 20px
.text-lg 16px / 24px
.h3 20px / 28px
.h2 24px / 32px
.h1 28px / 36px
.h0 36px / 44px
.title2 48px / 56px
.title1 60px / 68px

Font Weight, Decoration, and Alignment

CSS Class Result
.text-bold Bold text
.text-normal Normal text (default)
.text-underline Underlined text
.text-left Left-aligned text (default)
.text-center Center-aligned text
.text-right Right-aligned text

You can also use responsive alignment.
Example: text with 
.text-center.text-md-left.text-lg-right.text-xl-center classes will be center-aligned on screens up to 679px, left-aligned on screens up to 879px, right-aligned on screens up to 1179px, and center-aligned on larger screens.

Text Wrapping & Truncation

CSS Class Result
.text-wrap Very long text that wraps words (default behaviour)
.text-wrap-all Very long text that wraps letters
.text-nowrap Very long text that don't wrap
.text-truncate Text that truncates if there's not enough space. Please note that it must be placed in a container that has an overflow: hidden. You can add the .overflow-hidden class to its parent container.

Lists & Paragraphs

By default text paragraphs (<p>) don't have bottom margins. You can add them manually by using .mb-8 or similar classes.

CSS Class Effect Result
Removes bullet points from the list
  • One

  • Two

  • Three

Produces inline list (implicitly makes a flex layout)
  • One

  • Two

  • Three


By default text paragraphs (<p>) don't have bottom margins. You can add them manually by using .mb-8 or similar classes.

CSS Class Effect Result
a.link-unstyled Removes link styling completely

Unstyled link


Learn how to change the text size, alignment, and font-weight.


We use the Roboto font family by Google. Add this line to the <head> of your widgets to use this font:

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,400i,700,700i" rel="stylesheet">

Font Size

The base font size is 16px. It's applied by default.

Note, that if an element doesn't have a class it inherits all font properties from its parent. This means that you can add a class once, and it will be applied to all child elements (if they don't have a class that overrides the parent class).

Use these classes to change the font size:

CSS Class Font Size / Line Height
.text-sm 12px / 16px
.text-md 14px / 20px
.text-lg 16px / 24px
.h3 20px / 28px
.h2 24px / 32px
.h1 28px / 36px
.h0 36px / 44px
.title2 48px / 56px
.title1 60px / 68px

Font Weight, Decoration, and Alignment

CSS Class Result
.text-bold Bold text
.text-normal Normal text (default)
.text-underline Underlined text
.text-left Left-aligned text (default)
.text-center Center-aligned text
.text-right Right-aligned text

You can also use responsive alignment.
Example: text with 
.text-center.text-md-left.text-lg-right.text-xl-center classes will be center-aligned on screens up to 679px, left-aligned on screens up to 879px, right-aligned on screens up to 1179px, and center-aligned on larger screens.

Text Wrapping & Truncation

CSS Class Result
.text-wrap Very long text that wraps words (default behaviour)
.text-wrap-all Very long text that wraps letters
.text-nowrap Very long text that don't wrap
.text-truncate Text that truncates if there's not enough space. Please note that it must be placed in a container that has an overflow: hidden. You can add the .overflow-hidden class to its parent container.

Lists & Paragraphs

By default text paragraphs (<p>) don't have bottom margins. You can add them manually by using .mb-8 or similar classes.

CSS Class Effect Result
Removes bullet points from the list
  • One

  • Two

  • Three

Produces inline list (implicitly makes a flex layout)
  • One

  • Two

  • Three


By default text paragraphs (<p>) don't have bottom margins. You can add them manually by using .mb-8 or similar classes.

CSS Class Effect Result
a.link-unstyled Removes link styling completely

Unstyled link